Speakin’ Up: Interns Learn the Ins and Outs of Public Speaking



Can you say this five times fast?

Give me the gift of the grip top sock.

A drip drape, ship shape, tip top sock.

Not your spinslick, slap stick, slip slop stock;

But a plastic elastic, grip top sock.

Interns were put to the test by this and other tongue twisters during their last workshop in order to practice their public speaking skills. Interns enunciated and articulated their way through different public speaking exercises in order to make them feel more comfortable with their upcoming Department Research Project presentations. Interns also learned how to create a speech outline and reduce their nervousness when addressing a group of people.

YLT Member, Maggie, who co-led the public speaking workshop explained why she felt it was important for youth to learn public speaking skills:

“For youth there will be a lot of events like interviews that require you to speak well. Public speaking is important because it is how we channel our thoughts into words—the way that we present it is the way that people will perceive us.”