Interns Experience First Formal Review

This week marks the 6th week of SF YouthWorks school year session and the close of the introductory period. Friday November 30th is the deadline for the Introductory Period Evaluation form, the first of two formal assessments for YouthWorks interns. Employment Coordinators have begun scheduling meetings with mentors and interns to review interns professional goals and progress at work.

The introductory evaluation meeting is a time for interns to hear feedback from their mentor and employment coordinator and to experience a formal evaluation meeting. The evaluation accesses the interns main workplace tasks, competency with technology and tools, as well as various professional skills such as communication, productivity and initiative. Interns get an opportunity to look ahead and define their goals for the rest of the session.

Employment Coordinator Linda Rosa views the review as a time to set new work goals and for interns to work on their professional development skills. “Interns feel accomplished after reviewing the introductory evaluation because they know what they are doing well and where their areas of growth are. They are proud to share they work they have been doing in a formal setting. The mentors get to see how they are playing a role in helping a young person reach their potential and work toward their professional goals.”