Workshops and Events Support Intern Learning

During the school-year program, YouthWorks interns participate in an “Arc of Experience”, a series of workshops and events that supplement their on-the-job learning.  These workshops and events support youth in building skills and retaining their internships, provide opportunities for interns to explore and plan for future jobs and careers, and enable youth to develop a better understanding of careers in City government.

Early workshops prepare youth for success in YouthWorks. The Pre-Employment workshop exposes interns to program policies and procedures and guides them in making a positive first impression on-the-job.  Our first Skill Enrichment workshop gives youth an opportunity to build a sense of team with their fellow participants and reflect on their first week on the job.

The next workshop is our Career Exploration workshop, in which youth consider their preferences, interests and skills to identify future careers of interest to them.  This is followed by a workshop to develop an Individual Development Plan that will guide and document their growth over the course of the year.

A Money Management workshop, Career Exploration excursions and Educational Pathways activities enable youth to further develop important skills and explore career options and educational opportunities.

At the end of the year, our Department Research project provides youth with an opportunity to share their knowledge of the City department in which they have worked during the year.  Our Transition Planning process and Job Seeking workshop support youth as they exit our program and move on to further opportunities and employment.